Learnings from technical interviews

2 min readJun 9, 2021

[It is a constantly updating thing. I am not claiming you will be getting similar questions from same companies. These are only my learnings. Every company was important in my career.]



05.03.2021 — Fortanix —how to do kernel-level debugging — gdb/kgdb/kdb. how are docker containers isolated — at which level?

Ans: process level isolation.

08.03.2021 -

Send a mail on receiving a 500 Internal Server Error to a developer.
Answer:- Celery and RabbitMQ

About Fortanix: Security product startup. Deployment of secure production environment by providing highly secure Key Management Service.

20 April — 1 May: hora.ai

Q) Nqueens problem.

Ans: Backtracking

One question involved using “Quick Select Algorithm” to select numbers from unordered list. Question was —

Given an array of length 4GB find the kth largest element. Also, find square root.

Q) Hashmap and hashtable differences.

Q) What is tornado — An asynchronous web framework for Django.

Q) Array of size 100, find the missing element efficiently.

Availability zone and AWS architecture query based on my explanation.


One question about map.

A map returns an iterator object calculated by applying the map function that is the first parameter of the function, applied to the next parameter which can be any input like a list or a dict.


nums = [0,1,2,3]

nums[:-1] = All the elements till the last index perhaps,

So, it will be -

Figure it out,


Trick: “nums[:-1:1]” where 1 is the implicit step.

Now, what will be nums[:-4], remember -

It is now nums[:-4:1] — Everything till the -4 i.e 0th index, with a step of 1.

The answer will be —


Yes, that’s it.

Now, can you think of a way to reverse the array using slicing?


How? — Now I know.

